Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 100

I forgot to post these pictures of Day 100!

Mystery Reader

We ended Valentine's Day with CC's mom and brother and sister surprising us!

Valentine's Day

It was a fun day with pizza, cards, cookies, and laughs!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Mystery Reader

DL loved having his mom come in as a Mystery Reader. 

Hootie Mascot

Today was an extra-special day because the new Ox Ridge mascot stopped by our classroom so we could meet him!

Mystery Reader

AB was so happy when her dad came in to read to our class. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thank You!

Thank you for the beautiful birthday flowers! I'm a lucky teacher. 

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Helping Others

The big truck from the food bank came to pick up our tuna donations. We helped load the truck with donations from other classes. 

Norwalk Hospital

We had a great visit by Miss Jen, a volunteer from Norwalk Hospital. She taught us about the different jobs in the hospital,reasons why people go to the hospital, and made us feel more comfortable about going to the hospital if we ever need to. Everyone received a fun goodie bag. 

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Mystery Reader

Our latest mystery reader was disguised as a great grandmother! AW didn't recognize his mom! 

Day 100 Collection

We did it!

We officially have 100 cans of tuna to donate to the Food Bank.

 The Food Bank will be picking up the donations this Friday!

Thank you for supporting this good cause.